CPAP Machines

Essential Considerations When Buying CPAP Machines for Traveling

When you are diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, a doctor will often put you on CPAP {continuous positive airway pressure} therapy. When traveling, this does not mean that you should stop your CPAP therapy for the few days you will be away. Instead, you should get one of the CPAP machines now available for travel. These are smaller and weigh less than standard machines, and are therefore easier to travel with. Here are the primary considerations when picking a CPAP travel machine.

Climate control

Humidifiers are the most common comfort features used for CPAP machines. They prevent a dry nose or sore throat when using the machines. Humidifiers are particularly useful when going to dry climatic regions. There are travel machines with in-built humidifiers that will reduce your bulk when packing. If you cannot get one, get an external humidifier for your travel machine.

Pressure ranges

The optimal pressure range of your CPAP machine depends on your health and sleep needs. However, most devices are set to 4-20 centimeters of water by default, with ten being the average. Please consult your doctor on your ideal pressure range, then ensure the travel machine you choose can support it.

Ramp alternatives

Travel CPAP machines now have ramp features. With these, the machines can start at low pressures then gradually increase as you fall asleep. This is beneficial when the high pressure ranges that a doctor recommends keep you from falling asleep. The pressure range increases as the night progresses until it reaches the range a doctor recommends to prevent upper airway collapse.

Most patients base their choice of a travel CPAP machine solely on the price and brand name. To ensure a device meets your therapeutic needs, focus on the above aspects when buying it. Most machines have 2-3 year warranties, so if anything fails, you have some time to get a replacement from a manufacturer.

CPAP Machines

Buy CPAP Machines: The Three Types of CPAP Machines to Choose From

Everyone deserves quality sleep. If you suffer from sleep apnea, you know how hard it is to reach the right level of sleep. Luckily, getting the kind of sleep you deserve is as easy as going to buy CPAP machines. There are different types of CPAP machines, and the type of device you choose will depend on your condition. Here are three common machines to choose from:

Standard CPAP

The standard or ‘set pressure’ CPAP is the most common type of CPAP machine. The machine is bound to run under one pressure setting all night long. To determine your ideal pressure, you will have to undergo a sleep study, which can be done in a lab or at home.

Auto-Adjusting CPAP Machines

If you are looking to buy CPAP machines that will adjust their pressure during the night, then Auto-CPAP machines will be your ideal choice. They gauge how you are faring throughout the night. While they will push more air into your airway if you are struggling to breathe, they will reduce this pressure whenever it isn’t needed. These machines monitor how you sleep breathe by breath.

Travel CPAP

For people looking to buy CPAP machines to be used when traveling, travel CPAP machines will be ideal. These options have everything that the ordinary CPAP machines have but in smaller sizes. They are not only lightweight but also easy to pack in a travel bag. While some come with in-built batteries, others have adapters that make it easy to charge them in a car.

Once you have picked the right type of CPAP machine for your situation, you should then assess its comfort levels. Ideally, you need a device that will exert minimal pressure on your skin and also support your sleeping position. Take time to evaluate the different devices before making a choice for an easy time treating sleep apnea.

CPAP Machines, CPAP Supplies

Is It Time To Clean Your CPAP Supplies Canada?

Choosing to use CPAP supplies Canada is a sure way to improve your health. It also promises to help you and your loved ones sleep better at night. However, the effectiveness of your CPAP machine will depend on how well you can take care of it. If the machine picks up dust, you could easily expose your lungs and entire respiratory system to infections. Ideally, you ought to clean your supplies often to avoid these complications. The question is, how do you know that it is time to clean your supplies?

The Supplies Smell

You can easily tell that your CPAP supplies Canada need cleaning by simply smelling them. When dirty, you will notice a smell that is off-putting. The supplies could also smell like mildew. Get close to your supplies and inhale deep. Be sure to clean your supplies if you notice any of these scents. Sometimes you might need to replace some of the components.

Skin Irritations

Are you waking up with sore skin, acne, or simple skin peeling? This is a sure sign that your CPAP supplies Canada need to be cleaned. With time, dust, dead skin cells, and dirt will collect on your mask and the rest of the supplies. Your skin will then absorb them all, leading to breakouts. In some cases, sore skin could also be caused by wearing a mask that fits too tight.

The Supplies Look Dirty

If your CPAP machine is covered with a thin layer of dust, it might be time to clean it. You should also look at your filters, as dark and discolored filters are signs that you need to maintain your supplies. Discolored masks and tubings are also a sign of poorly maintained supplies.

It is counterproductive to use a CPAP machine that is already dirty, instead of improving your condition, it will just make it worse. Take some time to clean your supplies often to prevent any issues from affecting you down the line.

CPAP Accessories, CPAP Machines, CPAP Masks, CPAP Toronto

Common Issues Addressed In CPAP Toronto Therapy

Quality sleep is among the essentials in your life. Anything that will affect your sleep quality to any extent is sure to impact your productivity through the day and increase your odds of certain conditions. Though several alternatives exist for the attainment of quality sleep, CPAP Toronto therapy remains among the leading ones. The following are the common issues that this therapy will address to guarantee quality sleep.

Sleep Apnea

In this condition, your throat muscles relax while you sleep and block your airway. In so doing, you will not get enough air and will keep waking up gasping for air. Sleep apnea is the most common indication for the use of CPAP Toronto therapy. In this case, the device will keep your airway open through the delivery of pressurized air. This way, it guarantees uninterrupted sleep.

UARS {Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome}

In this disease, your airway is narrowed because of the constriction of your throat muscles. Air will still get into your lungs but with considerable effort. Since sleep is a relaxed state, the force used in breathing while you sleep will not get adequate air into your lungs. CPAP devices, in this instance, deliver sufficient air to your lungs to keep you comfortable.


To some, snoring is a minor inconvenience. Even so, it will irritate your sleep partner and affect his/her sleep quality. Getting CPAP Toronto devices is your best choice to guarantee your partner gets quality rest.

Before signing up for CPAP therapy, you will first need a precise diagnosis from a sleep specialist. The specialist, in this case, might conduct a sleep study known as a polysomnogram. The results of this study will determine the best CPAP airflow quantities to address your issue. Ensure you comply with the machine’s use since this is a significant factor in the effectiveness of your CPAP therapy.

CPAP Machines

How to Pick the Right Travel CPAP Toronto Machine

When going for a vacation, the goal is to get as much rest as possible and enjoy yourself. Sadly, if you suffer from sleep apnea, the condition will not take a holiday. Failing to carry your CPAP Toronto machine with you will increase the chances of your waking up tired after a long and restless night. However, your ordinary CPAP device might not be ideal for traveling. You need something light and convenient to use throughout your travels. Here is how to pick the right device:

Battery Life

Will you have somewhere to charge your CPAP Toronto machine? If you will, carrying a device with a short battery life might suffice. Otherwise, you will need something that will stay charged for a couple of nights. You should always ensure that you leave home with a charged device, especially if you plan on using it during the journey.

Data Tracking

You can learn a lot about your sleeping patterns when using your CPAP device. The data can help you understand the different triggers for sleepless nights. You can also use it to ensure you are compliant with the requirements set by your doctor. Pick a device that will send the data to your phone or save it on an SD card.

Pressure Range

Ensure that the CPAP Toronto machine you pick allows you to adjust the pressure settings to your ideal level. Even better, it would be wiser to use a device that has an auto amp feature. Instead of starting off sleeping at your set pressure, it might be easier to start using the device at low pressure and climb upwards from there. The device stops increasing the pressure level once it reaches your pre-determined level.

Your goal should be to get enough sleep, even when traveling. While it might be essential to carry your CPAP device, you do not need to carry a device that will make your journey less-than-perfect. Focus on the tips above to pick the right device and enjoy quality sleep.

CPAP Machines

Primary Features of Pulse Oximetersfrom Stores Dealing With CPAP Supplies Online

The worst sleep apnea effect is a low oxygen concentration in your blood through the night. Your body’s oxygen saturation should remain above 90% for the normal and healthy functioning of your body cells. In most cases of sleep apnea, however, the oxygen saturation falls below 70%. When on CPAP therapy for sleep apnea, it is essential to confirm that you are getting the full benefits. This necessitates the use of a pulse oximeter from shops offering CPAP supplies online. This is worn on your fingertip and measures your blood’s oxygen saturation. Here are the crucial features that should inform your choice of thisoximeter.

Perfusion Index

This is a relative value indicating the strength of your pulse on the fingertips. It is often used to identify the best site for the application of a pulse oximeter. The ideal choice is placing the oximeter on the finger with the best perfusion index reading to guarantee an accurate oxygen saturation reading.

CPAP Machine Compatibility

Some pulse oximeters are not compatible with CPAP machines that record other data. To guarantee your oximeter works with your CPAP machine, it is best to buy the two from the same CPAP supplies online dealer. This allows you to consider the correlation between the data from your CPAP machine and your oxygen saturation and get an accurate picture of your treatment’s efficacy.


Some pulse oximeters have built-in alarms. These go off when your oxygen saturation falls below the set level. You can then adjust the oxygen flow settings of your CPAP machine to get the ideal flow for optimal sleep apnea therapy.

You cannot settle for a pulse oximeter other than that from a CPAP supplies online shop. Other shops will hardly ever have the above features for their pulse oximeters. This is because their machines are designed for use in applications other than assessing the efficacy of sleep apnea management.